Saturday, 24 March 2012

Loving this spring weather it always brings such inspiration to me especially with my photography I love this time of year where there is new life where ever you look and my camera never leaves my hands. Here are some of my pictures to say welcome to spring.  

Friday, 23 March 2012

Me & Best Friend Cherie

Friends for about 18 years Cherie & I have taken are Hobbies and Talent and are now putting them to good use we are starting a small business together that will be appearing next year. We will be offering only homemade crafts & gifts so be on the lookout we will be here next year.

My Camera's of Choice

I love to use my Samsung wave it takes a brilliant picture but my pride and joy at the moment is my GE X5 14.1Mpixel bridge camera It’s GREAT !!!!!